1. A technology was developed for the production of laminated steel-aluminum composite engineering materials - with improved service properties on the basis of hot rolling, namely, process conditions for producing laminated composites with ultra-fine granular structure, based on aluminum and its alloys, and low-alloy low-carbon steels with with a high complex of physical-mechanical properties and resistance to brittle fracture by pressure welding and hot pack rolling. The 11-layer Steel 09G2S-Alloy AMts composite produced by hot pack rolling under dynamic loading retains high values of toughness, crack propagation work and dynamic crack resistance at temperatures ranging from room to that of liquid nitrogen.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  2. Technological foundations for the production of a boron - aluminum composite sheet material with the function of neutron protection were developed, namely, a method for the production of a В4С/Al sheet composite combined with compacting a mixture of aluminum and boron carbide powders, placed into an aluminum technological shell, in hot rolling. RF Patent No. 2465094 publ. 27.10.2012, bulletin No. 30.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  3. Abrasive tribochemically active nanopowder material based - on solid solutions of aluminium and iron oxides produced from hydroxocarbonates was developed (RF Patent No. 2243982 publ. 10.01.2005, bulletin No.1). The material is applicable for finish polishing of metals (hardened steels, copper and brass, titanium and aluminium, depending on modifying oxides) to obtain a nanorough surface. The material is 3 to 5 times as efficient as ASN and ASM nanodiamond and microdiamond powders and corundum-based polishing powders and pastes.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies