Historical Note
Main Fields of Research Activities
Scientific Council
Research Assistants
Laboratory of Material Micromechanics
Laboratory of Technical Diagnostics
Laboratory of Constructional Material Science
Laboratory of Deformation and Destruction
Laboratory of System Simulation
Laboratory of Applied Mechanics
Laboratory of Deformation Mechanics
Youth Laboratory of Material Technology
Sector of Nonlinear Vortex Hydrodynamics
Sector of New Materials and Technologies
Sector of High-Energy Material Processing
Department of Transportation Vehicles Mechanics
Collective centre "Plastometria"
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2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 and earlier
Search of Developments
Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies
Automated systems of measurements, nondestructive testing and diagnostics of machine life
Basic algorithms, software and hardware for systems of automated control of compound objects
Mechanics and control of transportation and traction machines
About Us
 Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of Constructional Material Science  Print Version   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English
About Laboratory
Research Assistants
Selected Publications
Developments and Patents

About Laboratory

Head of laboratory:
Savrai Roman Anatolievich

PhD in engineering sciences
Phone: (343) 362-30-14
E-mail: ras_at_imach.uran.ru

Staff of laboratory: Number of regular staff - 12 persons, from them: 2 - doctors of science (D. Sc.), 5 - candidates of science (Ph. D.), 2 - the research assistants without degree, 2 - engineers, 1 - laboratory assistant.

Lines of basic scientific research:

  • Increasing the strength and tribological properties of metal materials by thermo-mechanical-chemical processing and improving nondestructive testing techniques and their physical-mechanical characteristics. Methods for forming functional nanocrystalline layers on steel surfaces with the use of friction treatment by sliding indenters and producing wear resistant chromium-nickel coatings with extremely high heat resistance have been developed;
  • Developing new approaches and mathematical models for solving the fundamental problem of mechanics, which would enable one to evaluate adequately the functional abilities (strength, bearing capacity, residual life) of engineering components being designed and those in use that operate in a wide range of loads. Mathematical models have been developed and applied to the evaluation of the strength and service life of critical components in aircrafts, gas pipelines, railway rolling stocks and other currently working structures;
  • Developing scientific foundations for the analysis and design of efficient and economical combined membrane catalytic systems intended for the production of ultrapure hydrogen from various hydrocarbon materials. A mathematical model has been developed and applied to the description of the experimental flow characteristic and a number of other parameters of a trial membrane converter, with an output of 40 m3H2/h, designed for the production of ultrapure hydrogen from natural gas.

Design and programming
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