About Centre
Chief of centre:
Kamantsev Ivan Sergeevich
PhD in engineering sciences
Phone: (343) 374-25-94 E-mail: 
The Plastometriya shared research facilities center was initiated by the Institute of Engineering Science UB RAS (main institute), the Institute of Metallurgy UB RAS, and the Institute of Metal Physics UB RAS (participants) in April 2003. It works under the regulations on the Plastometriya shared research facilities center, affirmed by the Presidium of UB RAS on February 13, 2003.
List of Equipment
List of Services
The Plastometriya shared research facilities center includes three research and technological subdivisions accredited in different accreditation systems:
- Test center
- Laboratory of volume and surface deformation
- Nondestructive testing laboratory
The facilities are the assets of the Institute of Engineering Science, and they include
- equipment for mechanical and tribological tests;
- equipment for determining the composition, microstructure, roughness, and condition of material surface;
- equipment for evaluating the physical properties and damage of materials by nondestructive methods;
- process equipment;
- sample preparation equipment.
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