About Us The Council of Young Scientists is a public association of postgraduates and young researchers of the Institute aged 35 and younger. The main goal of the Council is to support and promote young scientists, to facilitate their professional growth and development, and to create conditions for the implementation of research projects and initiatives.
The general guidelines for CYS activities:
- informing of the current and planned grants, foundations, conferences, schools, research and practical workshops, support programs for young scientists;
- participating in organizing research workshops, conferences, schools, as well as in popular science events aimed at sharing experience and knowledge among young scientists;
- participating in solving the social and other problems of young scientists;
- contributing to the information support of the website of the IES UB RAS and the internet group.
The Council of Young Scientists is managed by a chairman and members of the CYS of the IES UB RAS. The chairman is elected from the staff members aged 35 and younger for a period of three years. The CYS of the IES is incorporated in the Council of Young Scientists of UB RAS.
A photograph of the CYS meeting held on November, 2024
A photograph of the CYS meeting held on October, 2023
Chairman CYS - Malygina (Kryucheva) Kristina Denisovna, phone: 7-982-985-42-92 E-mail: kristina.kryucheva@mail.ru
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