Postgraduate Education
Head of sector:
Putilova Evgenia
PhD in engineering sciences
Phone: (343) 378-89-03 E-mail: 
General Information
The Institute of Engineering Science, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IES UB RAS), educates personnel under higher education programs, namely postgraduate education programs in research and education on the basis of the institute’s charter, the regulations on postgraduate studies, perpetual education license No. 0164 dated 17.07.2012 and state accreditation certificate No. 2524 dated 22.02.2017 (order) for higher education programs.
Decree of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated 24.08.2021, No. 786 , on the conformity of the trends in the educating the research and academic personnel at postgraduate courses to the academic specialities mentioned in the nomenclature of the academic specialities in which academic degrees are awarded, the nomenclature being affirmed by the decree of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated 24.02.2021, No. 118
Persons having at least higher education (specialists or masters) are allowed to be admitted to study under programs for educating research and academic personnel at the postgraduate courses. Their admission is based on the results of entrance examinations, the examination process being regulated by the IES UB RAS.
The number of postgraduates studying under accredited programs for educating research and academic personnel at postgraduate courses on budget allocations is governed by the scheduled figures of admission annually specified for the IES UB RAS by the federal executive authority elaborating the national policy and statutory regulation in education.
Besides, the IES UB RAS has the right to admit students under programs for educating research and academic personnel at postgraduate courses on contractual terms, i.e. on the basis of contracts for the provision of paid educational services.
The postgraduates studying internally on allocations from the federal budget are granted state scholarships according to the procedure established by the federal executive authority elaborating the national policy and statutory regulation in education.
The IES UB RAS educates postgraduates in the following specialities:
2.6.17 Materials Science (engineering and chemical sciences)
2.2.8 Methods and Devices for Monitoring and Diagnostics of Materials, Products, Substances, and Natural Environment (engineering sciences).
For Postgraduate Entrants
Entrants are admitted to the postgraduate courses in integrated groups of scientific specialities, as well as in specialities for the preparation of highly qualified personnel within the scheduled figures of admission for studying on allocations from the federal budget.
The postgraduate admission policy has been developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, namely the current federal law on education in the Russian Federation dated 29.12.2012, No. 273-FZ; the regulations on educating research and academic personnel at postgraduate courses, affirmed by the RF governmental decree dated 30.11.2021, No. 2122; the procedure of admission for studying under higher education programs – programs for educating research and academic personnel at postgraduate courses, affirmed by the decree of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated 06.08.2021, No. 721. By Order No. 1036 of October 30, 2023, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia amends the admission procedure for studying according to higher education programs, namely the programs for training research and educational personnel at postgraduate courses, which was approved by its Order No. 721 of August 6, 2021. The admission policy has been approved by the academic council of the IES UB RAS (record of 26.09.2023, No. 6) and affirmed by director’s order No. 17A dated 27.09.2023.
Postgraduate Admission Policy
Admission quotas
Admission documents: List of documents Application.
Entrance examinations: - philosophy: Philosophy entrance examination
- foreign language: Foreign language entrance examination requirements
- for the entrance examination in speciality 2.2.8 Methods and Devices for Monitoring and Diagnostics of Materials, Products, Substances and Natural Environment
- for the entrance examination in speciality 2.6.17 Materials Science List of Postgraduates
As of September 1, 2024
The number of postgraduate students: 9
Given name, family name |
Speciality code |
Term of apprenticeship
(from - to) |
Academic advisor |
Natalia Kalinina |
2.2.8 |
30.06.2026 |
Prof. V. P. Shveikin |
Yana V. Solovieva |
2.6.17 |
30.06.2026 |
Prof. S. V. Smirnov |
Vladislav Kanakin |
22.06.01(2.6.17) |
30.06.2025 |
Prof. V. P. Shveikin |
Spirina Irina |
2.6.17 |
31.08.2018 |
Candidate of Technical Sciences A. S. Smirnov |
Trokhacheva Anna |
2.6.17 |
31.08.2028 |
Prof. N. B. Pugacheva |
Cherkasova Tatiana |
2.6.17 |
31.08.2028 |
Prof. S. V. Gladkovsky |
Kryucheva Kristina |
2.2.8 |
31.08.2028 |
Candidate of Technical Sciences E. A. Putilova |
Nohrina Alina |
2.2.8 |
31.08.2028 |
Prof. N. B. Pugacheva |
Sukhova Marina |
2.2.8 |
31.08.2028 |
Candidate of Technical Sciences I. S. Kamantsev |
| |