Berezin I.M. Zalazinskiy A.G. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Nesterenko A.V. Simulation of Metal Powder Bidirectional Compression in a Pressing Tool with a Floating Die // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2019. No. 3. P. 5-16. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2019.3.01.
Privalova V.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Simonov M.A. Nonlinear Gradient Flow of a Vertical Vortex Fluid in a Thin Layer // Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics. 2019. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 271-283. DOI: 10.20537/nd190306.
Fot A.P. Kamenev S.V. Krylova S.E. Tarova M.Yu. Gladkovsky S.V. Kamantsev I.S. Durability forecasting for the links plates of driving roller chains // Vestnik mashinostroeniya. 2019. № 2. P. 49-54.
Kruchkov D.I. Berezin I.M. Petunin A.A. Computer Simulation of the Stamping of a Long Sheet Blank of a Spherical Tank Element // Vestnik mashinostroeniya. 2019. № 2. P. 28-31.
Privalova V.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Nonlinear isobaric flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a thin layer with permeable boundaries // Vichislitel’naya mekhanika sploshnyh sred. 2019. Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 230-242. DOI: 10.7242/1999-6691/2019.12.2.20.
Titov V.G. Zalazinskiy A.G. Kruchkov D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Multi-Criteria Optimization by the “Ideal Point” Method of Raw Material Composition for Composite Blank Manufacturing // Izv. Vuzov Poroshk. Metallurgiya i funkts. pokrytiya. 2019. No. 2. P. 49-56. DOI
Kanyukov S.I. Konovalov A.V. Muizemnek O.Yu. Partin A.S. A Concept of Decision Making for Computer-Aided Arrangement of Parts within a Forging // Kuznechno-shtampovochnoe proizvodstvo. Obrabotka materialov davleniem. 2019. No. 8. P. 37-44.
Rekov A.M. Vichuzhanin D.I. Strain Distribution in the Neck of a Flat Sample of Titanium VT1-00 under Uniaxial Tension // Mekhanika kompozitsionnykh materialov i konstruktsii. 2019. Vol. 25. No. 4. P. 522-530. DOI: 10.33113/mkmk.ras.2019.25.04.522_530.05.
Blagonravov A.A. Yurkevich A.V. Ensuring the highest possible energy efficiency of cars in urban traffic // Vestnik mashinostroeniya. 2019. No. 11. P. 47-49. DOI: 10.18411/B100-22011-T20191106.
L.N. Belsky Gorkunov E.S. S.F. Deryugin Lookin N.A. Life is a Relentless Creativity. On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician N.A. Semikhatov // Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. 2019. Vol. 89. No. 1. P. 73-82.
Korobov Yury Michael Filippov Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Soboleva N.N. Davide Fantozzi Milanti Andrea Heli Koivuluoto and Petri Vuoristo. Arc-Sprayed Fe-Based Coatings from CoredWires for Wear and Corrosion Protection in Power Engineering. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 71. DOI: 10.3390/coatings8020071.
Kanyukov S.I. Konovalov A.V. Muizemnek O.Yu. Interactive communication between the user and the computer-aided design system of shaft forging on presses. 2018. Vol. 224. 04001. DOI:
Prosviryakov E.Yu. New Class of Exact Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations with Exponential Dependence of Velocity on Two Spatial Coordinates. 2018. Vol. 53. No. 1. P. 107-114. DOI: 10.1134/S0040579518060088.
Filippov M.A. Nikiforova S.M. Shveikin V.P. Sharapova V.A. Heat Treatment Forming a Dissipative Metal Base in Wear-Resistant Chromium-Alloyed Cast Iron // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030016. –
Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Konovalov A.V. A gravitational approach to modeling the representative volume geometry of particle-reinforced metal matrix composites // Engineering with Computers. 2018.
Kirillova V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Diastolic dysfunction of the right ventricle as an early diagnostic marker of heart failure // European Journal of Heart Failure. 2018. Vol. 20 (Suppl. S1). P. 223-224. DOI: 10.1002/ejhf.1197.
Gorshkov A.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Ekman Convective Layer Flow of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid // Izvestiya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018. Vol. 54. – No. 2. P. 189–19. DOI: 10.7868/S0003351518020101.
Smirnov A.S. Shveikin V.P. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Belozerov G. A. Konovalov A.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Muizemnek O.Yu. Effect of Silicon Carbide Particles on the Mechanical and Plastic Properties of the AlMg6/10% SiC Metal Matrix Composite // Journal of Composite Materials. 2018. Vol. 52. Iss. 24. P. 3351–3363. DOI:10.1177/0021998318765622.
Vykhodets V.B. Nefedova O.A. Obukhov S.I. Kurennykh T.E. Danolov S.E. Vykhodets E.V. Application of the Nuclear Reaction Analysis Online Technique to Study the Diffusion of Deuterium in Metals // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters (JETP Letters). 2018. Vol. 107. – No. 4. P. 211-215.
Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Osinceva A.L. Malyigina I.Yu. Estimating the Contact Endurance of the AISI 321 Stainless Steel Under Contact Gigacycle Fatigue Tests // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2018. Vol. 27. Is. 2. P. 601-611.
Konovalov D.A. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Study on mechanical properties of a bimetallic composite produced by explosion welding under incremental plastic deformation // Letters on Materials-Pis ma o Materialakh. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 215-219. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2018-2-215-219.
Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Michurov N.S. The laser-welded joint of an austenitic corrosion-resistant steel and a titanium alloy with an intermediate copper insert // Letters on Materials-Pis ma o Materialakh. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 42-47. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2018-1-42-47.
Vichuzhanin D.I. Yolshina I.A. Muradymo R.V. Nesterenko A.V. A fracture for 1 wt% aluminum-graphene metal matrix composite at 300ºC // Letters on Materials-Pis ma o Materialakh. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 184-189. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2018-2-184-189.
Vichuzhanin D.I. Smirnov S.V. Nesterenko A.V. Igumnov A.S. A fracture Locus for a 10 Volume-Percent V95/SiC Metal Matrix Composite at the Near-Solidus Temperature // Letters on Materials-Pis ma o Materialakh. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 88-93. DOI: 10.22226/2410-3535-2018-1-88-93.
Smolyaninov A. Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. Lapshin V. Survivability of the Locomotive Cabin at Interval Estimation of Obstacle Parameters // MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. V. 216. 02021.
Gorkunov E.S. Application of Magnetoelastic Effects to the Evaluation of Elastic and Plastic Strains in Steel Structural Memebers // Matec Web of Conferences. 2018. V. 145. 05001. DOI:
Gorkunov E.S. Povolotskaya A.M. Pavel Nosov Zadvorkin S.M. Magnetic Flux Distribution in a Ferromagnetic Material Magnetized by U-Shaped Electromagnets of Different Geometric Dimensions Types // Matec Web of Conferences. 2018. V. 145. 05002. DOI:
Gorkunov E.S. Zadvorkin S.M. Povolotskaya A.M. Igor Veselov Studying the effect of elastic-plastic strain and hydrogen sulphide on the magnetic behaviour of pipe steels as applied to their testing // Matec Web of Conferences. 2018. V. 145. 05003. DOI:
Ogorelkov D. A. Mironov V.I. Lukashuk O. Durability of Metal Structures under Quasi-Static Load // MATEC Web of Conferences // MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. V. 224. 02091.
Putilova E. A. Gorkunov E.S. Zadvorkin S.M. Investigation of the Structure, Phase Composition and Physical-Mechanical Characteristics of High-Strength Laminated Materials Which Contain Corrosion-Resistant Steels with High Nitrogen Content // Matec Web of Conferences. 2018. V. 145. 05004.
Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Effect of nanostructuring frictional treatment on the properties of highcarbon pearlitic steel. Part II: mechanical properties // Materials Science & Engineering: A. 2018. 734. P. 513-518.
Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Volkova E.G. Effect of nanostructuring frictional treatment on the properties of highcarbon pearlitic steel. Part I: microstructure and surface properties // Materials Science & Engineering: A. 2018. 734. P. 506-512.
Kaigorodova L.I. Rasposienko D.Yu. Pushin V.G. Pilyugin V.P. Smirnov S.V. Influence of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Structure and Properties of Al-Li-Mg-Zr-Sc-Zn Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. Vol. 119. – No. 2. – P. 161-168. – DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18020060.
Tabatchikova T.I. Lepikhin S.V. Morozov A.N. Gudnev N.Z. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Steel Welding Joints Produced Using Abrasive Waterjet Cutting // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. Vol. 119. – No. 7. P. 691-699.
Prosviryakov E.Yu. Spevak L.F. Layered Three-Dimensional NonUniform Viscous Incompressible Flows // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2018. Vol. 52. No. 5. P. 765-770. DOI: 10.1134/S0040579518050391.
Vandyshev A.B. Kulikov V.A. Analysis of the Calculated parameters of a Model Membrane-Catalytic Converter for the Production of High-Purity Hydrogen from Methane. // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018. Vol. 54. No. 1-2. P. 31-37. DOI: 10.1007/s10556-018-0434-y.
Vandyshev A.B. Kulikov V.A. Modeling a Membrane Reformer with a Carbon-Monoxide Conversion Catalyst for Extracting High-Purity Hydrogen from Methane Steam-Conversion Products // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018. Vol. 54. Nos. 5-6. P. 313-321. DOI: 10.1007/s10556-018-0481-4.
Berdnikov K.V. Struzhanov V.V. Equilibrium State of a Softening Elastoplastic Medium with an Expanding Spherical Cavity // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018. Vol. 59. Iss. 1. P. 104-111. DOI: 10.1134/S0021894418010133.
Grokhovsky V.I. Gladkovsky S.V. The impact mechanical tests of seymchan and chinga meteorites // Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 2018. Vol. 53. P. 6276-6276.
Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. Igumnov A.S. A Numerical Study of Plastic Strain Localization and Fracture in Al/SiC Metal Matrix Composite // Physical Mesomechanics. 2018. Vol. 21. – Iss. 4. – P. 305-313. – DOI: 10.1134/S1029959918040045.
Gorkunov E.S. Povolotskaya A.M. Zadvorkin S.M. Distribution of Magnetic Flux in a Ferromagnetic Material in the Presence of a Nonferromagnetic Gap in the Composite Circuit // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018. Vol. 54. No. 12. P. 861-870. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830918120069.
Shabashov V.A. Gavrilov N.V. Kozlov K.A. Makarov A.V. Titova S.G. Voronin V.I. Structure of the surface layers of metastable austenitic stainless steel nitrided in electron beam plasma // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. V. 119. – No. 8. – P. 755-763. – DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18080124.
Shabashov V.A. Makarov A.V. Kozlov K.A. Sagaradze V.V. Zamatovskii A.E. Volkova E.G. Luchko S.N. Deformation-Induced Dissolution and Precipitation of Nitrides in Austenite and Ferrite of a High-Nitrogen Stainless Steel // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. V. 119. – No. 2. – P. 196-206. – DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18020096.
Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. Volkova E.G. Osinceva A.L. Effect of Heating on the Structure, Phase Composition and Micromechanical Properties of the Metastable Austenitic Steel Strengthened by Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. V. 119. – Is. 12. – P. 1196-1203.
Savrai R.A. Resistance of laser-clad chromium–nickel coatings to failure under contact fatigue loading // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018. V. 119. – Is. 10. – P. 1013-1021. – DOI: 10.1134/S001532301810011X.
Privalova V.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Couette–Hiemenz exact solutions for the steady creeping convective flow of a viscous incompressible fluid, with allowance made for heat recovery // VESTNIK SAMARSKOGO GOSUDARSTVENNOGO TEKHNICHESKOGO UNIVERSITETA-SERIYA-FIZIKO-MATEMATICHESKIYE NAUKI. 2018. Vol. 22. No. 3. P. 532-548. DOI: 10.14498/vsgtu1638. VAC list
Prosviryakov E.Yu. Dynamic equilibria of a nonisothermal fluid // VESTNIK SAMARSKOGO GOSUDARSTVENNOGO TEKHNICHESKOGO UNIVERSITETA-SERIYA-FIZIKO-MATEMATICHESKIYE NAUKI. 2018. Vol. 22. No. 4. DOI: 10.14498/vsgtu1651. VAC list
Skorynina P.A. Makarov A.V. Volkova E.G. Osinceva A.L. Increasing the Micromechanical and Tribological Characteristics of an Austenitic Steel by Surface Deformation Processing. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030064.
Loginov Yu.N. Babaylov N.A. Polyansky L.I. Pervukhina D.N. Briquette Compacting in Container with a Small Taper Angle // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040053. –
Lezhnin N.V. Makarov A.V. Gavrilov N.V. Osinceva A.L. Savrai R.A. Improving the Scratch Test Properties of Plasma-Nitrided Stainless Austenitic Steel by Preliminary Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040050. –
Agapitova O.Yu. Byval’tsev S. V. Zalazinskiy A.G. Analysis of the Stress-Strain State of a Tool during Hydromechanical Extrusion // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040001.
Burmasheva N.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Investigation of a Velocity Field for the Marangoni Shear Convection of a Vertically Swirling Viscous Incompressible Fluid // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040011. –
Burmasheva N.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Investigation of Temperature and Pressure Fields for the Marangoni Shear Convection of a Vertically Swirling Viscous Incompressible Fluid // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040012. –
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. A Method for Estimating the Hydrogenation of a Shell with Variable Geometrical and Physical-Mechanical Parameters // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030012.
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. Durability of a Locomotive Cab at a Railway Crossing Calculated with the Estimation of the Obstacle Parameters // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040018. –
Gladkovsky S.V. Kamantsev I.S. Petrova (Kuteneva) S.V. Dvoynikov D.A. Kuznetsov A.V. Layered Metal Composites with High Resistance to Brittle Fracture at Low Temperatures // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 020003.
Gladkovsky S.V. Petrova (Kuteneva) S.V. Dvoynikov D.A. Veselova V.E. Parametrization of Powder for Al/B4C Metal Matrix Composites Using the Static Image Analysis Method // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040026. –
Gorkunov E.S. Povolotskaya A.M. Zadvorkin S.M. Magnetic Flux Distribution in a Ferromagnetic Material with the Variation of the Magnetizer Dimensions and the Nonferromagnetic Gap Value // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 020004.
Gorkunov E.S. Zadvorkin S.M. Goruleva L.S. Correlation of Residual Stresses with Magnetic Properties of Armco Iron // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030022. –
Gorshkov A.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Isobaric Vortex Flow of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid with the Navier Boundary Condition // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040030. –
Gorshkov A.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Large-Scale Convection Flow of an Incompressible Fluid on a Rotating Inclined Plane // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040029. –
Kanyukov S.I. Konovalov A.V. Muizemnek O.Yu. Checking of Subjective Decisions Obtained by Computer-Aided Design of Forgings // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040040. –
Kanyukov S.I. Konovalov A.V. Muizemnek O.Yu. Ontology of the Input Language for Computer-Aided Design of Shaft Forging on Presses // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040039. –
Kazakov A.L. Kuznetsov P.A. Spevak L.F. A Heat Wave Problem for a Degenerate Nonlinear Parabolic Equation with a Specified Source Function // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030024. –
Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Konovalov A.V. Partin A.S. On Convergence of Various Iterative Linear Solvers in Heterophase Elastoplastic Media Deformation Models // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030026.
Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Cheremicina E.R. The Effect of a Dispersed Grain Structure of Hypoeutectoid, Eutectoid and Hypereutectoid Carbon Steels on Their Magnetic Behavior // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040042.
Kuznetsov A.V. Drukarenko N.A. Kamantsev I.S. Mironov V.I. Experimental Evaluation of Crack Growth Modeling Results in a Gray Pig Iron Plate // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030033.
Makarov A.V. Savrai R.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Volkova E.G. Burov S.V. Nanostructuring and Surface Hardening of Structural Steels by Ultrasonic Impact-Frictional Treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 020006. –
Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Gibzun M.S. Malyigina I.Yu. Korobov Yu.S. Increasing the Resistance of a NiCrBSi Coating to Heat Wear by Means of Combined Laser Heat Treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030037. –
Michurov N.S. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Igumnov A.S. Contribution of Intermetallics to the Formation of the Stress-Strain State of Tensile Welds on the AISI 321 Steel and the Grade 2 Titanium Alloy with a Copper Insert // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040058. –
Mironov V.I. Ogorelkov D. A. Yakovlev V.V. Influence of Structural Damping on the Durability of a Crane Metal Construction // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040060. –
Polyakov A.P. A Model of the Dynamic Powder Compaction Process // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040073.
Polyakov P.A. Mushnikov A.N. Polyakov A.P. Magnetic Properties of Iron-Based Vanadium-Containing Powder Composites Blended with Zn, Cu, P, and C // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040075.
Polyakov P.A. Polyakov A.P. Studying the Hardness and Plasticity of Iron-Based Powder Compositions by Microindentation // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040074.
Privalova V.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Exact Solutions for Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Flows of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040077. –
Privalova V.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Linear Heating of the Upper Boundary of a Fluid Layer in the Case of Stationary Nonisothermal Couette Flow // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040078. –
Prosviryakov E.Yu. A New Exact Solution for Convective Flows of a Rotating Viscous Incompressible Fluid // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 020012.
Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Nikolin Yu.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Trushina E.B. Formation of the Structure of Fe-Ni-Ti-C-B Composites Under Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 020013.
Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Trushina E.B. Malyigina I.Yu. Studying the Structure and Micromechanical Properties of a Hardfaced Wear-Resistant Coating // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040079.
Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Michurov N.S. Vichuzhanin D.I. Contribution of low-melting eutectics to the plastic deformation of aluminum matrix composites // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. 020247.
Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Trushina E.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. The Use of Intermediate Inserts for СО2 Laser Welding of Steel AISI 321 and a Grade 2 Titanium Alloy // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030055.
Putilova E. A. Zadvorkin S.M. Gorkunov E.S. The Diagnostics of the Influence of Elasto-Plastic Deformation on the Structure and Physical-Mechanical Properties of the High Strength Laminated Materials Used in Severe Arctic Conditions // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. 020248.
Putilova E. A. Zadvorkin S.M. Gorkunov E.S. Veselov I.N. Pyshmintsev I.Y. Investigation of Structure and Properties of the Perspective High-Strength Low Alloy Steel for the Oil Country Tubular Goods Operated for Extreme Climatic Conditions // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. 020249.
Savrai R.A. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. Effect of Frictional Treatment on the Microstructure and Surface Properties of Low-Carbon Steel // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040087. –
Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Analytical and Experimental Assessment of Ultimate Tensile Strength of a Hardened Layer on a Material Surface // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030060. –
Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Makarov A.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Trushina E.B. Studying the diffusion interaction between a copper plate and steel AISI 321 under laser treatment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. 020270.
Smirnov A.S. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Myasnikova M.V. Simulating the Deformation Process of AlMg6/10%SiCp Composite Representative Volume under Macroscopic Uniaxial Strain // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 030065.
Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Kopeina A.V. A Fracture Locus for an Aluminum-Based Metal Matrix Composite at 450°С // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 020014. –
Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Smirnov S.V. Pestov A.V. Konovalov D.A. Adhesive Characteristics of Epoxy Glue in Relation to the Microgeometry of the Substrate Surface // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030066. –
Solovei V.D. Construction of Velocity Disturbances for a Special Stationary Flow of a Viscoplastic Strip under Rolling // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030069. –
Spevak L.F. Nefedova O.A. Parallel Technology for Solving the Poisson Equation in Axisymmetric Domains by the Boundary Element Method // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030070. –
Struzhanov V.V. Korkin A.V. Reconstruction of a Tensile Diagram with a Falling Branch from a Pure Bending Diagram // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 030071. –
Volkov S.S. Struzhanov V.V. Critical Microfracture and the Safety Factor in Deformation of Structurally Heterogeneous Materials // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. – 040102. –
Vladimirov A.P. Drukarenko N.A. Kamantsev I.S. Trishin V.N. Lookin N.A. Real-time study of high-cycle fatigue damage using the averaged speckle dynamics // IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2018. Vol. 1149. 012013. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1149/1/012013.
Soboleva N.N. Makarov A.V. Malyigina I.Yu. NiCrBSi coating obtained by laser cladding and subsequent deformation processing // IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018. Vol. 946. 013004.
Sergeev S.N. Safarov I.M. Galeyev R.M. Gladkovsky S.V. Dvoynikov D.A. Rogozhkin S.V. Iskandarov А.А. Korznikova G.F. Analysis of the Distribution of Alloying Elements in Ultrafine-Grained Steel 05G2MFBT by Atom-Probe Tomography // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. Vol. 447. 012009. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/447/1/012009.
Abdulov Sergei Trusevich Ilya Volkov A.A. Ensuring the amphibious capabilities of the amphibious vehicle based on the hydrodynamic buoyancy principle // MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. Vol. 224. 02030.
Abdulov Sergey Taratorkin A.I. Nenashev Pavel Dynamic loading of a water jet propulsion drive of amphibious vehicles // MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. Vol. 224 02042