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Main Fields of Research Activities
Scientific Council
Research Assistants
Laboratory of Material Micromechanics
Laboratory of Technical Diagnostics
Laboratory of Constructional Material Science
Laboratory of Deformation and Destruction
Laboratory of System Simulation
Laboratory of Applied Mechanics
Laboratory of Deformation Mechanics
Youth Laboratory of Material Technology
Sector of Nonlinear Vortex Hydrodynamics
Sector of New Materials and Technologies
Sector of High-Energy Material Processing
Department of Transportation Vehicles Mechanics
Collective centre "Plastometria"
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Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies
Automated systems of measurements, nondestructive testing and diagnostics of machine life
Basic algorithms, software and hardware for systems of automated control of compound objects
Mechanics and control of transportation and traction machines
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About Laboratory
Research Assistants
Selected Publications
Developments and Patents

Developments and Patents

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  1. A scheme was proposed for solving problems of the deformation and fracture of structurally inhomogeneous materials with a regular structure in view of different hierarchical levels; test problems were solved to study the effect of structure element geometry on the processes of deformation and fracture.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  2. The micro- and nanoscopic structures of metallic materials produced from noncompact metal raw materials were identified; the scale levels of the representative volumes used for introducing the constitutive equations of the mechanics of inelastic deformation of structurally inhomogeneous bodies and structural members were determined.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  3. Plastic deformations of structurally inhomogeneous materials with a regular structure were simulated.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  4. The problem of impact interaction of solid particles with a deformable medium was solved. To this end, algorithms and a software package were developed for computer simulation of the implantation of high-velocity micro- and nanoparticles into elastic-plastic materials; conditions of superdeep penetration of microparticles were determined and a model explaining the appearance of macroparticles in the track, which are donors of nanoparticles of the material to be implanted, was proposed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  5. Mathematical modeling of dynamic compaction of powder materials was made. The problem of hydromechanical impact extrusion of a composite billet made of noncompact raw metal through a conical die has been solved analytically, and a device for the implementation of the process was designed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  6. Mathematical models of the technological operations of producing bundled metal fiber were developed and the optimal conditions of the process were determined. A process flowsheet of the modular resource-conscious technology of producing ultrathin metal fiber and porous cermets with a honeycomb structure intended for filtering materials and filters for purifying aggressive liquids and gases was proposed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  7. The stress-strain state of a workpiece being formed into a part from powdered copper was calculated.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  8. Plastic deformation of fiber composite specimens intended for making electrical products was mathematically modelled. ComposForm software designed for solving problems of plastic deformation of fiber composites was developed. The software was applied to studying the process of extruding a fiber composite.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  9. The structure of a tool for drawing wire under conditions of fluid friction was improved. Methods for applying metal coatings onto the surface of long products were proposed. The results were protected by invention patents.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  10. A composite drawing technology was developed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  11. A technology of drawing bundled ultrathin wire was developed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  12. A flow diagram for the production of ultrathin wire (D < 1 µm) was developed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  13. Software packages for computer simulation of manufacturing systems were designed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  14. DSPressing software for computer simulation of dynamic compaction of incompact materials was designed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  15. A hybrid modeling system was created for studying the processes of compacting composite materials.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  16. Works on the development of technology and equipment for the production of a metallic suture material for medical applications were performed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  17. A technology and design of a through oxidation device for applying thin and ultrathin protective coatings onto wire made of hard-to-deform metals were developed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  18. Precision equipment for the production of a titanium suture material of medical applications was developed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  19. Processes of plastic deformation of powder materials were simulated; rheological models the processes were identified.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

  20. An experimental-analytical method and a software unit for predicting the quality of fiber composites being compacted were developed.
    Development belongs to the direction: Mechanics of solids and structures, advanced materials and technologies

Design and programming
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