Mironov V.I. Lukashuk O. Ogrelkov D. Method of Increasing Durability of Thin-Walled Structural Elements . – DOI; 10.1051/matecconf/201712901024 // Matec Web of Conferences. 2017. Vol. 129– 01034.
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. Vehicle Survivability Calculation // Russian Journal of Construction Science and Technology. 2017. Vol. 3. – No. 1. P. 40-44.
Mironov V.I. O. Lukashuk Vichuzhanin D.I. Method for Describing Fatigue Processes in Structural Materials // Solid State Phenomena. 2017. Vol. 265. P. 815-820.
Kazakov A.L. Spevak L.F. An analytical and numerical study of a nonlinear parabolic equation with degeneration for the cases of circular and spherical symmetry // Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2016. Vol. 40. Issue 2. P. 1333-1343.
Bychkov I.V. Kazakov A.L. Lempert A.A. Bukharov D.S. Stolbov A.B. An Intelligent Manage-ment System for the Development of a Regional Transport Logistics Infrastructure // Automation and Remote Control. 2016. Vol. 77. – No. 2. P. 332-343.
Spevak L.F. Nefedova O.A. Parallelizing the Solution of the Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problem with the Application of the OpenCL Library [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6.
Struzhanov V.V. Volkov S.S. Volkova T.A. Devolopment of Microstructure Damage in Structurally Heterogeneous Materials under Deformation [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 3. P. 21-30.
Babaylov N.A. Polyansky L.I. Loginov Yu.N. Briquetting Metallurgical Lime Screenings and Parameters Making it Possible to Improve Process Efficiency // Metallurgist. 2016. Vol. 60. – Iss. 5-6. P. 576-580.
Mironov V.I. Lukashuk O.A. Calculation of Metalwork Life with Allowance for Cyclic Degradation of Material in Operation // Solid State Phenomena. 2016. Vol. 870. P. 725-729.
Aristov S.N. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Spevak L.F. Unsteady-State Benard-Marangoni Convection in Layered Viscous Incompressible Flows // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2016. Vol. 50. – No. 2. P. 132-141.
Polianski L.I. Babaylov N.A. Loginov Yu.N. Pervukhina D.N. Industrial Recycling of Technogenic Wastes and Mineral Ore Processing // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040046. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967103.
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. The Definition of the Resistance Area Boundaries for a Locomotive Operator Cab under Non-Regulated Loads // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040014. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967071.
Spevak L.F. Nefedova O.A. Solving a Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Heat Conduction Equation with Degeneration by the Boundary Element Method with the Application of the Dual Reciprocity Method // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040077. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967134.
Bychkov I.V. Kazakov A.L. Lempert A.A. Bukharov D.S. Stolbov A.B. An Intelligent Management System for the Development of a Regional Transport Logistics Infrastructure // Automation and Remote Control. 2015. Vol. 72. No. 8.
Kazakov A.L. Lempert A.A. Bukharov D.S. Mathematical Model and Program System for Solving a Problem of Logistic Objects Placement // Automation and Remote Control. 2015. Vol. 72. No. 8.
Kazakov A.L. Lempert A.A. On Mathematical Models for Optimization Problem of Logistics Infrastructure // International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 2015. No. 13 (1). P. 200-210.
Solovei V.D. Prigogine theorem for the process of rolling of a viscoplastic strip // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. 2015. Vol. 88. № 3. P. 561-567.
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. On an approach to the evaluation of the strength of a spatial rod system under impact loading [Электронный ресурс] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 2. P. 16-23.
Solovei V.D. Possible Velocity Disturbances in the Lag Zone and on the Free Boundary in a Viscoplastic Strip under Rolling [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2015. Is. 4. P. 49-59. URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2015-4/2015-4_35.html.
Kazakov A.L. Spevak L.F. Numerical and analytical studies of a nonlinear parabolic equation with boundary conditions of a special form // Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2013. Vol. 37. – Issues 10-11. P. 6918-6928.
Kazakov A.L. Lempert A.A. Bukharov D.S. On Segmenting Logistical Zones for Servicing Continuously Developed Consumers // Automation and Remote Control. 2013. Vol. 74.– №6. P. 968-977.
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Contact problem for a shell considering the transverse load // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2013. V. 42. Is. 1. P. 36-40.
Kazakov A.L. Lempert A.A. Existence and uniqueness of the solution of the boundary-value problem for a parabolic equation of unsteady filtration // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2013. Vol. 54. – № 2. P. 251-258.
Kolmogorov V.L. Johnson W. Reid S.R. Corbett G.G. Impact Loading and Fracture of Solids: a Review and a New Theory. 2012. Full text>>
Fedotov V.P. Numerical-Analytical BEM for Elliptic Problems // WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics. 2011. Vol.6. Issue 4.
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. Evaluation of the life of a shell construction lying on supports // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2010. V. 39. Is. 1. P. 83-88.
Volkova T.A. Volkov S.S. Microstructure damage related to stress-strain curve for grain composites // Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. Elsevier, October, 2009. Volume 52, Issue 2. P. 83-90.
Fedotov V.P. Spevak L.F. One approach to the derivation of exact integration formulae in the boundary element method // Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2008. V. 32 (10). P. 883–888.
Kolmogorov V.L. Spevak L.F. R.V. Churbayev On the technique used to determine plasticity margin in high-speed deformation under high pressure // International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2008. V. 50(4). P. 676–682.
Volkova T.A. Volkov S.S. Microstructure damage related to deformation properties of grain composites // Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. Elsevier, 2008. Vol. 49, Issue 3. P. 242-250.
Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. Determining the stress state and the lifetime of a shell structure load // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2007. V. 36. Is. 5. P. 443-449.
Kolmogorov V.L. Zalazinskiy A.G. Zalazinskaya E.A. The superdeep penetration of a particle into an elastic-plastic medium // International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2007. Volume 34, Issue 11, November. P. 1869-1882.
Solovei V.D. Dragoshanskii Yu.N. Magnetic Anisotropy Constants of a Single Crystal // The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2007. Vol. 103, No.1. P. 33-38.
Fedotov V.P. Spevak L.F. DumshevaT.D. Zenkova E.S. Privalova V.V. Numerical - analytical method for solving problems of elasticity and heat conductivity // XXXII Summer School – Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics”. Book of abstracts. St. Petersburg, 2004. P. 43-44.
Solovei V.D. Kolmogorov V.L. Vershinin S.V. Maximum channel pressure of a nanosecond pulsed anode discharge in a crystal // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2002. Vol. 43, No.3. P. 362-364.
Veselov I. Emelyanov I.G. Fedotov V.P. Research of the Tension of the Shell Working in Hydrogen-Containing Environment // Proceedings of the 13th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Beijing, China, June 12-15. 2000. P. 1041-1045.
Kolmogorov V.L. Gorshkov A.V. Spevak L.F. A method for calculating the stress-strain state in the general boundary value problem of metal forming - part 2. Impact of a bar against a rigid obstacle // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 1999. №36. P. 1263-1275.
Kolmogorov V.L. Fedotov V.P. Gorshkov A.V. Tree-dimensional analysis of the stress-strain state in the process of plastic deformation of metals // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999. 95. P. 55-64.
Solovei V.D. Loginov Yu.N. Calculating radial textures in the bushes made of the alloy Mn-Al-C upon upsetting into a container // Textures and Microstructures. 1999. Vol. 32. P. 235-243.
Kolmogorov V.L. Smirnov S.V. The restoration of the margin of metal plasticity after cold deformation // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1998. v. 74. P. 83-88.
Kolmogorov V.L. Zalazinskiy A.G. On metal joining and the prediction of the strength of solid-phase joints // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1998. 75. P. 157-164.
Kolmogorov V.L. Smirnov S.V. Healing of metal microdefects after cold deformation // In: Advanced Methods in Ma-terials Processing Defects edited by M. Redeleanu and P. Gilormini. Elsevier Science B.V. 1997. P. 61-69.
Kolmogorov V.L. Fedotov V.P. Spevak L.F. A mathematical model for the formation and development of defects in metals // Studies in Applied Mechanics. №45. Advanced Methods in Materials Processing Defects / Edited by M.Predeleanu and P.Gilormini. Elsevier, 1997. P. 51–60.
Solovei V.D. Loginov Yu.N. Calculating extrusion textures of the alloy // Textures and Microstructures. 1996. Vol.28. P. 121-128.
Solovei V.D. Kolmogorov V.L. Calculating deformation textures for cubic polycrystals // Textures and Microstructures. 1995. Vol.23. P. 37-42.